Wait, *how* many days left?

Living in a place without any dramatic season change has me all messed up. The sunny 65-degree weather we’ve had for the past couple of months is totally lulling me into a false sense of security. How can Thanksgiving possibly be just a couple of weeks away? How can Christmas be right around the corner? It’s beautiful outside!

Good thing I’m so crazy about knitting, because urgency is utterly lacking here.

The body of the cardigan is pinned and blocking on our table. The fir cone lace part really wants to bump up, so I’ll need to press it before the garment is finished. It’s really turning out well, though. I think my gram will be thrilled.

Why block the body now, you ask? I need a little motivation to hike across Sleeve Island, because let me tell you, the pina coladas are nowhere to be seen.

I’d be a lot further along on Sleeve #2 if I hadn’t had to restart it three times today. That whole nursing-brain thing isn’t a joke, I tell you. My head is full of mush.

Of course, I’m already fantasizing about what I’ll do after the holidays. It’s been literally years since I’ve knit myself a sweater, with the pregnancy and the associated weight gain. But hey! I’m on a diet, and it’s working well, and I’m starting to get my old body back, and one of my favorite bloggers is starting a Debbie Bliss knit-along for after the holidays. Sign me up!

Now, what to knit… what to knit… what’s that? *How* many weeks left until winter holidays? Oh, crap. 🙂

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